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Image by Alireza Attari


Here at Shepherd of the Lake, everyone is welcome and everyone belongs. Inclusivity and accessibility are important to us and we are committed to creating a space – both physical and virtual – where all of God’s people can connect, grow, share, and serve. If you have suggestions on enhancements or improvements, please contact us.

Shepherd of the Lake members sitting at worship together.


  • Wiggle Worship spaces for families with small children

  • Family Room that offers a more enclosed and sensory muted space with a monitor to view worship together with your child

  • Program Support Plans for students that benefit from specific support tools or strategies in order to access and engage with programming  

  • Vision/Hearing support at the Welcome Desk

  • Closed Caption Livestream Worship Services

  • Call-in Worship Services

  • Wheelchair accessible seating

Image by Tim Wildsmith


In worship, we gather as God’s children to hear God’s Word and be renewed in God’s promises. In worship, we also come to the Table to receive the Sacrament of Holy Communion and hear the unconditional promise of God’s grace and love. Our Communion Ministry brings Holy Communion to those who cannot attend worship because of health and life circumstances. Trained communion ministers extend God’s love and, in this act, receive God’s love themselves.

If you have questions or are interested in helping with our Communion Ministry, please fill out the contact form or contact Pastor Jonathan at

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