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Who We Are

Our mission and values are at the core of everything we do at Shepherd of the Lake Lutheran Church. They serve as a compass, helping shape our personal lives and the life of our faith community.

Our Values

Wherever you are on your faith journey, we will meet you there with Open Hearts, Open Minds, and an Open Table.

Friends in Nature


We value relationships.

God has created us for connection. We value relationships with one another, with our neighbors, with the larger church body, with partner organizations, and with creation itself. 


We value authenticity.

Bring your honest self. 


We value transformation.

Each person is a work in progress! When we open our hearts to God, we open our lives to transformation. God is never finished with any of us and is always nudging us toward well-being and growth for the sake of the whole world. 

We value intellectual curiosity, questions, and conversations.

We engage faith with our whole selves – body, mind, and spirit. Please don’t check your brain at the door! 


We value tradition, but we are not traditionalists.

As members of a faith tradition (Minneapolis Synod, ELCA) that is rooted in reformation, we are open to new ways of experiencing and celebrating God’s presence in our own lives and in the life of the congregation.


We value our neighbors’ faith.

We honor the sacred stories of our neighbors as we learn from one another and work together to foster a more just and peaceful world. 

Networking Event


We offer an open table, meaning that we value God's radical welcome, we value service as an act of love, and we value your story!


We value God’s radical welcome.

We affirm the inherent worth and dignity of all people – all sexual orientations, gender identities, and expressions; all ages, life stages, and abilities; all social and economic circumstances; all ethnicities, races, and nationalities. Every person is a beloved child of God. Every person has a place at God’s table – no exceptions.


We value service as an act of love.

God has created each person with a unique set of gifts and passions. At the table, God feeds us with God’s very own self so we can use our gifts in loving service to the world.


We value your story.

Everyone comes to the table bringing their unique story – all their history, hurts, and hopes. Your story is part of God’s story. God welcomes you to the table, and we do too.


  • We love God and each other.

  • We believe in hope and resurrection. 

  • We know this is a big messy human experience, and sometimes the world will be unfair, but we are not alone in any of it - and neither are you. 

  • We believe that God knows we are human and that God meets us where we are at, forgiving our failures and walking alongside us on our journey.

Our Mission in Action

We don’t just say that we are different - we live out our mission every day in the conversations we have, the events we hold, and the learning we do with others.



When we say that we welcome and affirm everyone who walks through our doors, we mean everyone on this Earth: humans of all gender identities and expressions, ages, sexual orientations, marital statuses, life stages, and abilities, all social and economic circumstances, all ethnicities, races, and nationalities. Every person is a beloved child of God, and every person has a place at God’s table – no exceptions.   


We won’t spell out a bunch of principles you have to follow and tell you how you should live out your faith.  Instead, we will explore our sacred stories together and discover the ways that God is present and active in our lives and in the world, and how God might be calling us to show up in it.


And so does God! Each person’s faith journey is a unique experience. We encourage and hold space for questions and open dialogue as we move throughout our lives and faith journeys. While we don’t have all the answers, what we do know is this: we know a God who embraces our mess, who heals our hurts, and who loves us even when we fail.


Our worship services are very kid-friendly! We have created different worship areas with children in mind so all families can enjoy worship in a way that works best for them. We offer wiggle worship and kids are invited up front to play percussion during the sending song. You may even see an impromptu dance party break out in the middle of a worship song!


You do not have to be a member to attend worship or be involved in our programs. You can choose to be anonymous or participate in a million activities. There are zero prerequisites to attending our church. None. 


When we say "Open Table", we mean it! Everyone is welcome to take communion, regardless of age, faith, and membership status.

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