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Livestream Worship

Worship together with your Shepherd of the Lake Lutheran Church community! Church is not a place. Being physically present is not the only way to gather.

September - May at 9:00am and 10:30am

June - Labor Day Weekend at 9:00am


Join us online live below or watch the playback whenever it works for you.

March 30 Worship | 9:00 am

March 30 Worship | 9:00 am

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March 30 Worship | 9:00 am

March 30 Worship | 9:00 am

Welcome to Lent. Together we begin the journey with Jesus to the cross. Our theme for the season is EXPLORATION OF WILDERNESS. Christians across the centuries have marked the start of Lent by reading about Jesus’ 40 days in the wilderness, and reflecting on the Israelites 40 years of wilderness wandering. Like our scriptural ancestors, we too will count to the number 40... the number of days in the season of Lent. Have you ever had a wilderness experience, figuratively or literally? What are the challenges and learnings that meet us in the wilderness? As we explore during this season, we’ll revisit the historic Lenten practices of repentance, self-examination, and honesty. Connect with us: • Submit a Prayer Request: • Get Involved: • Receive our newsletter: • Serve with SOLLC: • Give Online: Wherever you are on your faith journey, we will meet you there. We value curiosity, questions, and conversations. We invite you to safely explore your beliefs and spirituality in a supportive community of people who are doing the same. Shepherd of the Lake Lutheran Church #shepherdofthelake #sollc #priorlakelife #lakelife #exploringfaith All copyright content is used by permission and/or licensed for performance and/or print/viewing under the following licenses: CCLI #2373033 | One License A-704025 | CCS #8267 | the Envato Elements License | Sunday's and & (NRSVUE)
March 30 Worship | 10:30 am

March 30 Worship | 10:30 am

Welcome to Lent. Together we begin the journey with Jesus to the cross. Our theme for the season is EXPLORATION OF WILDERNESS. Christians across the centuries have marked the start of Lent by reading about Jesus’ 40 days in the wilderness, and reflecting on the Israelites 40 years of wilderness wandering. Like our scriptural ancestors, we too will count to the number 40... the number of days in the season of Lent. Have you ever had a wilderness experience, figuratively or literally? What are the challenges and learnings that meet us in the wilderness? As we explore during this season, we’ll revisit the historic Lenten practices of repentance, self-examination, and honesty. Connect with us: • Submit a Prayer Request: • Get Involved: • Receive our newsletter: • Serve with SOLLC: • Give Online: Wherever you are on your faith journey, we will meet you there. We value curiosity, questions, and conversations. We invite you to safely explore your beliefs and spirituality in a supportive community of people who are doing the same. Shepherd of the Lake Lutheran Church #shepherdofthelake #sollc #priorlakelife #lakelife #exploringfaith All copyright content is used by permission and/or licensed for performance and/or print/viewing under the following licenses: CCLI #2373033 | One License A-704025 | CCS #8267 | the Envato Elements License | Sunday's and & (NRSVUE)
March 23 Worship | 10:30 am

March 23 Worship | 10:30 am

Welcome to Lent. Together we begin the journey with Jesus to the cross. Our theme for the season is EXPLORATION OF WILDERNESS. Christians across the centuries have marked the start of Lent by reading about Jesus’ 40 days in the wilderness, and reflecting on the Israelites 40 years of wilderness wandering. Like our scriptural ancestors, we too will count to the number 40... the number of days in the season of Lent. Have you ever had a wilderness experience, figuratively or literally? What are the challenges and learnings that meet us in the wilderness? As we explore during this season, we’ll revisit the historic Lenten practices of repentance, self-examination, and honesty. Connect with us: • Submit a Prayer Request: • Get Involved: • Receive our newsletter: • Serve with SOLLC: • Give Online: Wherever you are on your faith journey, we will meet you there. We value curiosity, questions, and conversations. We invite you to safely explore your beliefs and spirituality in a supportive community of people who are doing the same. Shepherd of the Lake Lutheran Church #shepherdofthelake #sollc #priorlakelife #lakelife #exploringfaith All copyright content is used by permission and/or licensed for performance and/or print/viewing under the following licenses: CCLI #2373033 | One License A-704025 | CCS #8267 | the Envato Elements License | Sunday's and & (NRSVUE)
March 23 Worship | 9:00 am

March 23 Worship | 9:00 am

Welcome to Lent. Together we begin the journey with Jesus to the cross. Our theme for the season is EXPLORATION OF WILDERNESS. Christians across the centuries have marked the start of Lent by reading about Jesus’ 40 days in the wilderness, and reflecting on the Israelites 40 years of wilderness wandering. Like our scriptural ancestors, we too will count to the number 40... the number of days in the season of Lent. Have you ever had a wilderness experience, figuratively or literally? What are the challenges and learnings that meet us in the wilderness? As we explore during this season, we’ll revisit the historic Lenten practices of repentance, self-examination, and honesty. Connect with us: • Submit a Prayer Request: • Get Involved: • Receive our newsletter: • Serve with SOLLC: • Give Online: Wherever you are on your faith journey, we will meet you there. We value curiosity, questions, and conversations. We invite you to safely explore your beliefs and spirituality in a supportive community of people who are doing the same. Shepherd of the Lake Lutheran Church #shepherdofthelake #sollc #priorlakelife #lakelife #exploringfaith All copyright content is used by permission and/or licensed for performance and/or print/viewing under the following licenses: CCLI #2373033 | One License A-704025 | CCS #8267 | the Envato Elements License | Sunday's and & (NRSVUE)
March 16 Worship | 10:30 am

March 16 Worship | 10:30 am

Welcome to Lent. Together we begin the journey with Jesus to the cross. Our theme for the season is EXPLORATION OF WILDERNESS. Christians across the centuries have marked the start of Lent by reading about Jesus’ 40 days in the wilderness, and reflecting on the Israelites 40 years of wilderness wandering. Like our scriptural ancestors, we too will count to the number 40... the number of days in the season of Lent. Have you ever had a wilderness experience, figuratively or literally? What are the challenges and learnings that meet us in the wilderness? As we explore during this season, we’ll revisit the historic Lenten practices of repentance, self-examination, and honesty. Connect with us: • Submit a Prayer Request: • Get Involved: • Receive our newsletter: • Serve with SOLLC: • Give Online: Wherever you are on your faith journey, we will meet you there. We value curiosity, questions, and conversations. We invite you to safely explore your beliefs and spirituality in a supportive community of people who are doing the same. Shepherd of the Lake Lutheran Church #shepherdofthelake #sollc #priorlakelife #lakelife #exploringfaith All copyright content is used by permission and/or licensed for performance and/or print/viewing under the following licenses: CCLI #2373033 | One License A-704025 | CCS #8267 | the Envato Elements License | Sunday's and & (NRSVUE)
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